Meetings, business and leisure groups.


These General Terms of Sale apply to services related to the organization of meetings and provided by the institution or institutions covered by the attached estimate.
These General Terms of Sale are permanently available on the property’s website. Any booking implies on the part of the Customer full and unreserved adherence to these conditions, to the exclusion of any other document such as prospectus, commercial documents, etc….In the event of a contradiction between the provisions in the quote signed by the Client and those contained in these C.G.V., the provisions of the quote prevail.


The customer must confirm his reservation before the option date and return to the establishments, a copy of the quote duly dated and signed by the Customer, bearing the words “Good for agreement” and its stamp. These documents must be accompanied by the payment of the down payment, which is a substantial and decisive condition of the booking. In the absence of payment of the deposit, the establishment or establishments do not confirm the booking and do not guarantee the availability of reserved spaces/rooms.



The Customer must send the rooming  list (fax or mail) to the establishment, no later than 8 days before the scheduled arrival date. Reserved rooms are made available to beneficiaries from 2 p.m. on the day of arrival. Rooms must be vacated by noon on the day of departure, any excess of this period may result in 50% billing until 6:00 p.m., beyond an additional night’s rate.


The Customer must specify in writing (email or mail) addressed to the establishments concerned the exact number of cutlery provided for each meal 8 working days before the start date of the event (Saturday and Sunday not included). The reduction in the number of participants is considered to be a partial cancellation of the booking resulting in the application of Article 5 of these conditions. The customer must confirm his choice of catering (menu, buffet, cocktail, …) no later than 8 working days before the date of the event. Beyond that, the hotel reserves the right to impose a choice in the category chosen by the guest. It  is specified here that restoration not consumed as part of a package cannot result in a reduction in the price.


“no-shows” (un cancelled ordered services) will be billed to the Customer on the basis of all bookings.
For room reservations the billing of no-shows excludes the residence tax.


The Customer will have to inform the establishment before the date of the event of any significant changes in the number of participants in the event. In any event, if the number of participants were to be less than the number expected on the estimate, the Client could be allocated a different space than originally planned, for reasons inherent in the management of the institution.


The reduction in the number of participants is considered to be a partial cancellation of the booking resulting in the application of Article 5 of these, including accommodation, catering or rented spaces. If the number of participants is greater than the number indicated on the quote, the availability of the spaces will not be confirmed until after receiving the additional down payment corresponding to the booking differential.


Any request to change benefits in relation to the accepted quote must be sent in writing to the institution. In the absence of written acceptance of the establishment within 8 days of receipt of the application, the contract is deemed to continue according to the terms and conditions determined in the quote accepted by the client.


Billing is made on the basis of the services ordered and on the basis of the entire stay, the Customer is invited to pay the utmost attention to the following cancellation conditions. Cancellations of all or part of the original booking must be addressed in writing to each of the establishments concerned.

5.1/ Total Cancellation

The change of date of the event is considered a total cancellation and results in the application of the cancellation conditions. Also a cancellation is the default of contractual instalments (other than the first down payment). In case of non-compliance with payment deadlines, the hotel will have the option to require the customer to immediately pay the balance of the event, with the payment of the guest due to arrive at the hotel within 8 days of the date of the hotel’s written request. In the absence of a settlement within this period, the event will be considered cancelled due to the customer. In the event of a total cancellation, the hotel will keep as a penalty or charge the guest as stated below: – more than 21 days before the date of the event:  25% of the amount TTC of the services booked, 15 days before the date of the event: 50% of the TTC amount of the reserved benefits, less than 10 days before the date of the event: 75% of the amount TTC of the reserved benefits, less than 3 days before the date of the event: 100% of the amount TTC of the benefits booked.

5.2/ Partial Cancellation

A partial cancellation corresponds to a reduction in the amount of the quote regardless of the origin: a decrease in the duration of the event, the number of persons and/or the services ordered. The pro-rata rule will be applied on the basis of the compensation terms provided for the conditions of total cancellation.

5.3/ Review of conditions

The above cancellation conditions may be adjusted according to the operating requirements of the establishment and the exceptional or complex nature of the event. Any request for full or partial cancellation must be served in writing to each of the institutions concerned.


In the event of the establishment’s unavailability, or in the case of force majeure, the latter reserves the possibility of having the participants fully or partially accommodated in a hotel of proximity and equivalent category for services of the same nature, the costs inherent in the transfer remaining at the expense of the establishment, which cannot be sought in payment of any additional compensation.


The rates are expressed in the currency of the country where the service is to take place.  The rates on the quote are given for a current period up to an option date. The confirmed rates on the quote are firm for 1 month from the date the quote is sent to the Customer. After this period, they are subject to change depending on economic conditions. The applicable rates are then those in effect on the day the service is made. Rates are increased by the residence tax. They may be amended in the event of legislative and/or regulatory changes that could lead to price changes such as: changes to the applicable VAT rate, introduction of new taxes, etc.


The space rental period is broken down as follows: either from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., or from 7 p.m. to 24:00. Beyond these periods, additional rental fees will be applied on the basis of current rates. Guests will be charged overtime staff costs beyond 4 p.m. for lunch and beyond 11 p.m. for dinner/cocktail, based on current rates.


1/ Down payments

A down payment of 50% (except for different provisions in the quote) calculated on the total TTC of the event must be paid at the time of confirmation of the booking. A second down payment of 30% (except for different provisions in the estimate) calculated on the total TTC of the event must be paid no later than one month before the start of the event and the remainder at the end of the event. This down payment can be increased to 100% depending on the requirements of the operation, the specifics of the event or exceptional circumstances such as international events, etc.

2/ Payment time

The amount of this or these instalments is deducted from the final invoice (balance) subject to the possible application of cancellation allowances. Unless provided otherwise in the estimate, the balance invoices are set by each institution, and are payable no later than 5 days of the invoice date. If the customer wishes to benefit from a payment period, he will have to provide a guarantee (cash deposit, solidarity deposit or guarantee at first request). If there is a disagreement over a portion of the invoice, the customer is obliged to pay the uncontested part without delay and to indicate in writing to the institution concerned the reason for the challenge. It is recalled here that the sums paid in advance will not be interest-paying. Similarly, an early settlement will not be eligible for a discount;

3/ Individual settlement

The payment of extras (laundry, minibar, telephone, etc.) and other services claimed individually to one or more of the participants, will be provided directly by the participants concerned at the reception of the establishment before their departure (individual payment). In the absence of payment by one or more members of benefits claimed in addition to the services included in the quote (extras, meals, etc.), the invoice will be addressed to the Customer who agrees to pay it no later than 5 days of the date of the invoice. In the case of individual payment, the deposit paid at the time of booking will be returned to the Customer within 8 days of receipt by the institution concerned, of all the sums due under the event. Any unpaid money will be deducted from the amount of the down payment, the balance being returned to the Customer.

4/ Failure to settle

Failing to pay at the contractual due date, late penalties will be due at the rate of 10% per year upon receipt of a formal notice. In addition, a flat penalty equal to 15% of the sums owed will be due in the event of litigation recovery.


The client is asked to inform the relevant establishment in advance of the possible presence of a photographer and makes his personal business of obtaining all the authorizations that would prove necessary.


Any installation carried out by the Customer must comply with the services of the specifications of the establishment as well as the latest security requirements in force and must be submitted to the prior approval of the safety commission. Any project to decorate or set up stands must be submitted to the establishment and include 5 installation copies or risk being refused permission to exhibit. The Show or Fair Organising Client must provide the establishment, at least 15 days before the start date of the event, with the prefectural authorization necessary for such a commercial event. (Decree 88-598 of 07/05/1988) The client undertakes to restore the occupied premises to its own condition.


The labour code (Articles 312-19 and 312-20) prohibits the institution from directly or indirectly operating an employment office. Under this law, the Client must:  Provide the establishment with proof that it is in good standing with regard to the local labour inspection; Include your name on your job advertisements, when the interview or selection of candidates is domiciled in the institution. The Client undertakes to declare in writing addressed to the institution at the same time as the accepted quote and the down payment, that he meets these two conditions. Under no circumstances can hotel staff participate in recruitment operations, in particular by distributing questionnaires to candidates who show up at the reception of the establishment.


The Client undertakes to declare in writing addressed to the establishment at the same time as the accepted quote and the deposit, its commitment of total responsibility when the event organized in the premises of the hotel is accompanied by a paid entrance. In this case, the collection of the right of entry must be carried out within the rented premises. Under no circumstances should staff at the facility participate in this perception.


The Client must make his personal business of all statements and payment of all rights including to the SODAV, for the dissemination of musical works and more generally of any animation within the premises (orchestra, shows, records, etc.). The Customer must justify to the establishment before the event, the statement made to the SODAV.


It is specified that the establishment will charge for any individual transfer by the common shuttle at a rate of 27,500Fcfa per trip per person. The property also has a privatized shuttle fee of 53,000Fcfa per trip.


The Client must take care of the goods and equipment brought by himself or the participants, including the changing rooms, excluding the changing rooms supervised by the staff of the establishment outside the rented areas. The Client will do his business of taking out any insurance policy (Damage – civil liability) that he deems necessary. In particular, the Client is invited to take out specific insurance in the event of the presence of large equipment or valuables as long as the responsibility of the establishment cannot be incurred in the event of deterioration or theft of said assets The Client is responsible for all damage caused by him (particularly by the participants or their guests) and undertakes , in the event of a deterioration of the premises made available, to bear the costs of rehabilitating these places. Under no circumstances can the establishment be held responsible for any damage of any kind, in particular fire or theft, which may affect objects or equipment deposited by the Customer or participants during the event subject of this booking.


The Client undertakes not to invite any person whose conduct is likely to harm the establishment, the latter reserving the right to intervene if necessary. The customer will not be able to bring any food or drink from the outside. The Client undertakes to have the participants and their guests comply with all the hotel’s guidelines and regulations(including the prohibition  of smoking in the hotel grounds). For this purpose, smoking areas are set up on eachfloor). The  Client will ensure that participants do not disrupt the operation of the facility or interfere with the safety of the facility and the people in the facility.


The obligations contained herethwise will not be applicable or will be suspended if their performance has become impossible due to a case of force majeure such as: act of public power, hostilities, war, the Prince’s fact, natural disaster, fire, flooding, strikes without notice, ….The parties will have to make every effort to prevent or reduce the effects of a breach of contract caused by a force majeure event; the party wishing to invoke a force majeure event must immediately notify the other party of the beginning and end of that event, otherwise it cannot be relieved of its responsibility.


If the Customer wishes to bring his drinks, then applies a cap fee of Six Thousand (6000) CFA Franc, which will be charged per bottle. After two hours (2:00 a.m.), staff costs will be charged per overtime and per person on duty, based on current rates.
Finally, it is recalled that children who could participate in the event are placed under the sole responsibility of the parents and/or the Client. It is recalled that the Customer cannot bring the catering for the event either in whole or in part. If he wishes to take away at the end of the banquet some of the unconsumed food, he bears full responsibility for it, without recourse possible against the hotel.


Any challenges and complaints can only be taken into account if they are made in writing and addressed to the institution within a maximum of 8 days after the end of the demonstration. The applicable law is Senegalese law.


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